This week has been so random. One day I am feeling fantastic, the next, not so great. Tuesday night I was really thirsty so I took a big drink of water and a big drink of o.j. Suddenly I was having intense pain in my upper abdomen and back. I tried to eat dinner, but it was difficult. I had similar things happen to me right after my surgery, but wasn't sure why I was having problems again. The next morning (yesterday) I had the same pains. I had a really hard time standing for more than 5 minutes because it just hurt too badly. As I was teaching my 3rd grade phonics class the pain was getting worse and I had to sit down and teach. Luckily the class is super small and the students super great, they didn't think anything of it. Then as I was teaching math of my sweetest students kept asking me if I was okay. I thought I was acting normal, and when he asked me the fourth time, I asked why he kept asking me that. He replied that I looked sad or like something was wrong. Man, I LOVE the children I get to be around each day!!! I decided that since I wasn't able to stand for very long, that it might not be a good idea to go out and exercise. Thank goodness for flexibility!!! Later that afternoon I started feeling fine.
Today I woke up and felt normal, which made me really happy. Not too long after I got to school I started having the pains again. I felt really perplexed. The pain is very similar to when my intestines twist together, yet I have plenty of output so I know it is not a blockage, and it doesn't get worse and worse. Food doesn't seem to affect it. It hurts whether or not I eat! After about an hour and a half I felt good again. This is so strange! I figure if there is something really wrong, it will get worse right? So I will just wait and see what happens.
I felt good enough to exercise today, but wasn't looking forward to being out in the super cold weather. Luckily Ginny and I were able to use the gym. I have to tell you, it felt really good to be inside! My biggest struggle is with my breathing. My chest will just burn and burn. This time being inside we were able to push harder and yet my lungs didn't burn. I feel really really good!! I don't want to totally give up training outside, though I am tempted too. I know being outside will make me a stronger runner. I do think that if I do some training inside that my lungs will strengthen and when the weather warms up I might fair better outside then I do now. I think the outside air is what has been making my lungs have a hard time. Ginny and I weren't able to keep track of how many times we went around the gym. Physically though, we pushed harder than we have yet, and it felt really great!!! I think I will try to download a tracker app. on my phone, it would make things a bit more simple!!!
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