Sunday, February 19, 2012

One week down, 8 more to go!

Saturday was day three of my exercise program. I woke up feeling really excited to get outside and work! I had had a dream (I am dreaming about running now!) about running a 5k. All of you guys were there in the run with me. It was some crazy maze type run and was just silly, but I remember running and feeling really good  the whole time. I awoke thinking, that is really what I want out of this. I want to have the physical capability to  run this 5k, and I want to feel good the whole run, and afterwards. And I am so excited so many of my friends will be there! I keep envisioning myself in the future (nearer now than ever before) running, and loving it. I picture myself strong and quick and just plain ole' happy! I don't love running, I am not a runner, but I am so motivated to make this happen, that I know it will happen.

Yesterday was a lovely day and since David was off work he came with me. I was really excited but a little nervous to have him come with me. David is a really strong runner and I wanted our stroll not to bore him. He was so kind and complemented me the whole time. He is such a great support.

Every time I am out, I really pay attention to how my body feels doing these exercises. It always makes me so happy to realize that physically my body is stronger than I thought it was!  My biggest struggle is my breathing. I really work on keeping my breathing under control, slow and steady. It is not something that comes naturally.  Each day I have gone out, I find that I do have better control. The less I talk the better control I have!

Time out: 30 min.
Total distance: 1 mile

I am looking forward to this new week. The program has me changing the times I Jog from 60 seconds to 90 seconds. The rest periods are longer as well. I am excited to see how I do with this.

I have had a lot of people tell me they are not runners or that they are waiting for the weather to get better, or this or that to start running. I have to tell you, I am NOT a runner, I am week, out of shape and haven't even exercised in about 2 1/2 years. But, who cares? We all have to begin somewhere, right? And there never will be the "perfect" time to start.Something will always come up, and frankly life happens! So, why not take charge now? Start somewhere. I would love to have you join me 3 times a week as I take charge of my health! Or just start because what can you lose for trying? It feels so amazing to be the one setting your limits and challenging yourself to do just a little bit more!!!


  1. Love it! I've had so many weird dreams about races! Glad yours was just fun and not stressful! :)

    I'm all signed up for the 5k!

    1. Colleen,

      Thank you for signing up! I am so excited to have you on my team. You are amazing! You are such and inspiration to me! Thank you!!

  2. Or just start because what can you lose for trying?" I am going to remember this quote!!

    Cool dream, too. :)

  3. Melissa,

    You were one of the main people in my dream. You were totally running even though you are pregnant! In fact I think you were the one who won the whole thing!!! Your kids were running too. It was great!
