Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My first try...

Yesterday was the start of my journey to get back my health. I am a Monday starter. If I ever am going to do something significant, I like to start on Monday. It just feels more orderly! After lunch, kids homework, and clean up, I decided it was time. I put on some "exercise" clothes, asked if any of my children would like to exercise with me. I and stretched out and read the day one guidlines for the program. My sweet 6 yr. old son Gabriel said he would go with me. Since he runs in everything he does, I felt it would be no problem to have him come along.

The day was beautiful! I couldn't have asked for better, more perfect weather. The program called for 5 minutes of brisk walking followed by intervals of 60 seconds jogging, 90 seconds walking. I decided to make the workout 30 min. total. I did the 5 min. brisk walk, and felt good. I tried to focus on my muscles warming up and being strong. When it was time for my first 60 sec. of jogging, I think I may have been overly excited! I took off running and even though I was careful about my breathing, it wasn't long before my chest was on fire! I tried to focus on the fact that while my upper body hurt, my legs were able to go as I wanted them too. I began alternating jogging and walking, this time modifying my jog to a jog! I am not going to lie, even though this sounds easy, I had to push myself. I went for 20 min. alternating as the program says. The last 5 min. my jog was slower and my walk really mellow. When my alarm signified time was up, I took a 5 min. cool down, ssslllooowww, walk.

Gabriel was with me the whole way. He was cheering my on anytime he wasn't being distracted by cool leaves, or sticks! As I was doing the cool down he asked if we could walk around a different block. At this time, my chest was on fire and my calves aching. I had a sick feeling that I was going to throw up. "No", I answered him, out of breath.
"Please, I love going around this other block."
 Trying to slow my breathing and feeling incredibly sick, I didn't want to answer."No." was all I managed to get out.
 With each step I felt more and more nauseous. "Gabe, I feel like I am going to throw up."
We immediately turned around. The cool down minutes were up so we sat down and stretched.

Total time out: 30 minutes.
Total distance covered: 3/4 mile.

Not incredibly impressive, but a start! I came inside and sat. Overall I  felt good because I had started. This was the first official day of getting my health back. I am excited! I decide to post on face book. The feedback was incredible! I have the most unbelievable support group! My excitement grew and grew! I decide to register and start a team for the walk. I decide to start a blog! I feel like I can't be stopped! As my body settles down, my mood soars, I feel really REALLY good!!!

My take on the training so far. I don't particularly enjoy the jogging, but I LOVE how I feel afterwards. The natural high that comes with exercise. That alone is worth it. Yeah yeah, day one isn't much to judge by. However as I see it, it is a start and it will only get better from here. I want to love running. I want to feel my body grow stronger and stronger. I want the distance I can go increase. And I am going to do just that!!!

Thank you for your support. Thank you for your feedback. It fuels my fire and I love it! I would love to have you join my team to walk for crohn's and colits. Go to ccfo.org. Our team name is "Guts Who??"


  1. You are amazing. Your attitude is unstoppable, and I am really inspired by your example! Here is a short youtube video I posted on my blog about a year ago. It always inspires me, I think you will like it.


  2. Good job! Keep it up. Don't stress about you speed. At this point there is no such thing as running too slow. Right now you are just working on building your running fitness. You are building strength in your muscles, tendons and ligaments. Speed comes MUCH later. You may even feel like you can walk faster than you can run in the beginning. The motto of the half marathon I just finished was "It's not the time, it's the finish line" Just enjoy the journey! I agree, I love the rush I feel after I am done running.
