Friday, February 17, 2012

Yay for good news!!!

This post will be a little out of chronological order, but the great news must come first. I received a call from the pediatricians office today, and ALL of Lilliah's test came back normal. I am SO happy and relieved!!! She is just a scrawny kid! I can deal with that. As long as she is healthy, I am happy!!!!!

This morning As I was trying to wake up and get ready for the day, I realized how much relief I felt knowing today was a day I didn't workout. I really love the do-ability of this program!! As this beautiful day had progressed, I keep finding myself thinking, I would really like to go jogging today! I love that! I love that I am wanting to do this! I also love that the program says not to do more than the 3 days a week. I really feel that even though I want to go out today, that if I didn't give myself the off days, I might not feel so excited about the whole thing.

Another side effect I am already noticing, is that since I am kind of exercising now, I also want to eat better. I like soda every now and then, but haven't wanted one at all this week! In fact orange juice has taken its place. I like where I feel this program is taking me mentally. The real program doesn't call for any sort of eating change, but for me it just feels right. In fact I in general have an overall sense of direction. I love having a goal! Being in Mary Kay really reinforced setting small goals that lead to bigger goals. I am totally applying those same principals to my working out.

When I was talking to my surgeon last night, he told me that he had "thrown the kitchen sink at me." With my last surgery, What this means, is that we don't have a lot of options if my stoma has problems like it has 6 times now. For whatever reason I have just decided that I am going to make it work, that I am not going to allow my body to have those problems again. Of course, this is not really a control I can have, but I am taking it anyway!!!

I want you all to know how much I love your feedback. I REALLY keeps me motivated to keep writing. I feel silly writing these simple things about me and often wonder who really wants to know my simple day to day activities. It really makes me happy that you are reading and leaving feedback. You all are amazing!!!

Tomorrow will be my third exercising day. I am looking forward to getting outside and moving! I do need some good stretches for my legs, calves more specifically. So if anyone has some great advice, please share.


  1. SUCH great news about Lilliah! Wahoo! And, those stairs that lead to your classroom are perfect for a great calf stretch...just let your heel hang off the edge of the stair and it will stretch out really well. Stretch with your legs straight and then with your legs bent a little, you will feel it in different parts of your calves (upper and lower, respectively).

    Also, I don't know if you're shins are bothering you yet, but another great exercise is to write the alphabet with your toes.

    1. Melissa,

      You ROCK!!! Thank you for all your positive feedback and help. I am so lucky to have you in my life! I am going to try those stretches now.

  2. I love you!! And I love that your excitement spills over so easy in your writing... it's almost like I can hear you saying it inside my head. You're doing a good thing and inspiring all of us to step out of our comfort zones and make positive changes, too. You go girl!!!

  3. Thank you Kathy! YOur encouragement means SO much to me. I look forward to reading your comments. I would love for you to join the walk and be on my team!

  4. I love reading your blog. Your emotions come out clear and your excitement is contagious. I would love to run. With you during the week if that's OK. Also I know lots of great stretches you can do and I know facilitated stretches as well I could help you with. I am super excited for the race. I also want to be able to run the whole time and feel good.
