Today since my body was feeling strong I decided to really push myself. For our fist two intervals we jogged at a really good quick pace. I felt so good. We kept up the pace during the 5 minute interval but my chest started burning. On the third interval we were going at a slow jog while I calmed my breathing down and then we finished off the fourth interval with a steady medium speed pace. It felt REALLY good to push myself for the first half then slow down some the last half. We were able to cover more distance than we ever had!!! In fact as I was recording what we had accomplished, I told Ginny that we had done 3.3 miles in 33 minutes. She said, "Hey isn't that a 5k?" I was so excited! I jumped for joy and high fived Ginny! YAY!!! I walk/jogged a 5k in 33 minutes and feel great afterwards!!!! This makes me feel so happy!
I am really thankful that my body has been stronger this week. I am hopeful that my training will be able to progress more steadily now, and this excites me!!!!
Time out: 33 min.
Distance covered: 3.30 miles!!!!!!!
I have been looking over the half marathons. There are a lot to choose from. I like the idea of the Legacy Hwy. run. It is in Aug. which gives me more time to train, and is at night, so it wont be too hot. Does anyone have any suggestions on any other half marathons that they like? I could use some direction!!!!
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