Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Technical Difficulties

I am sorry I haven't posted for awhile. I have had a lot of traffic at my house and haven't had any computer time.

Ginny and I are still trying to figure out our "smart" phones and their apps. On Friday we walked over to the gym. It was really windy so we wanted to be inside. We also had 8 kids who wanted to come with us. When we reached the gym we found that is was already taken for basketball. We decided to walk back home, drop of some of the extra kids and try walking outside. I decided to try putting a scarf around my mouth to keep the cold air out. This seemed to help my lungs which was great!!! I know that our time wasn't as awesome as it has been because it was cold and I kept having to slow down. But I know we did do well. The problem was that we still haven't figured out how Ginny's phone is calculating things and my phone totally froze making it so we couldn't see how far we had gone. I know we at least went a mile and a half because I had seen it on my phone before it froze!!!

I don't LOVE running yet. However, I find myself wanting to go out daily, and hold myself back because the program says to. I think I just need to build up my endurance and fix my breathing, then maybe I will start loving this!!! I hope so. I really want to love running. I really want to have the ability to ruuuunnnnnn. I know I have to keep working at it, so we will see!

As a side note, I have a strange infection on my scar where my anus was removed. It has been going on for awhile and I just didn't know what it was. It was getting worse and worse so I decided to call my surgeon to see what is going on. This whole while I keep thinking, if there is something wrong and I have to go back in for surgery....... I am wondering if a stitch got left in or something. I hope it is simple. I am enjoying being well. I am not ready for big set backs. I had a small one yesterday. I had a stomach bug and was too worn out  to go running. I will be heading out in just a few minutes though. Wish me luck!!!!!

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